Wow, it has been so long since I last updated.... First off, I couldn't remember how to get into my blog, so I just ignored it! =) Yeah, that's a really grand idea, right?? Anyway, to catch you all up a tiny bit, my darling daughter that was in the last post is now almost TWO and is walking and about talking and has a head full of sweet ringlets!
Isn't she the sweetest thing ever!? =)
So..... anyway.... since I did finally figure out how to get back into posting on this blog (after trying 3 different email addresses! Yeah, I know too many right - tell you a secret, lets just say that's not all of them!) I wanted to let you all know about my newest venture!! I'm so excited about it......
So, DRUMROLL......
I'm now a Lilla Rose Independent Consultant!
Never heard of Lilla Rose? I hadn't either until not long ago..... I bought a Flexi Clip and the rest is history. They are so easy, pretty and durable - AND there is a size for EVERYONE!! What more do you need? They are made very well - no more broken plastic jaw clips or pulled out hair from elastic hairbands! Also, it's all one piece - so you never lose the pin!
And they don't just have Flexi Clips! They also have beautiful adjustable Hair Bands, Hair Sticks, Bobby Pins, You-Pins (long pins to make pretty buns!), Flexi Oh! (which are a two sided flexible hairband) and Badge Clips.
Perfect gifts for the hard-to-find-something-for person!!!
Stop by & take a look around at: to see it all!

Here are some gorgeous hairstyles you can do with them!
They even make really cool scarf clips if you want to wear them that way!
If you are afraid to order because you don't know what size you might need here is a sizing chart and their exchange/refund policy is awesome too!!